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南水北调中线水源区流域生态安全高等学校学科创新引智基地  简  介 “南水北调中线水源区流域生态安全国家高等学校学科创新引智基地”(国科发专〔2022〕361号,NO:D23015)于2022年入选“高等学校学科创新引智计划”(简称“111计划”)。该基地获批是南阳师范学院首次实现国家级平台的重大突破,也是学校高质量建设取得的又一标志性进展。  该引智基地在省级引智基地和国际联合实验室国际合作平台基础上建立,聚集国内外专家围绕南水北调中线水源区产流区水源涵养与水量保障、水源区水环境治理与生态修复、水源区数字孪生技术研发、生态数据库与智能调控系统四个方面联合攻关,旨在从产流区水源涵养、水源区生态修复理论与技术研发到智能生态调控平台建立,保障中线工程水量安全、水质安全和生态安全。 该引智基地以“生态安全与水资源保护”河南省特色骨干学科群为依托,紧密围绕水源地流域生态安全的关键科学问题,以引进海外优质智力资源为重点,以人才队伍建设为核心,以“顶天立地”发展为目标:瞄准流域生态安全领域的国际基础研究前沿,立足国家及水源区经济建设重大需求,开展高水平的研究工作。开拓具有优势和特色的学科领域,培育新的学科生长点,发展原创性与应用性并举为特色的生态安全与水资源骨干特色学科(群)方向,为提高学科的整体实力、加快人才培养速度、注重成果转化、促进中线水源区经济发展作出贡献。 该引智基地进一步加强德国基尔大学、美国加州大学河滨分校、日本京都大学、英国伦敦大学学院、意大利帕尔玛大学等国际知名高校的12位顶级专家,与南阳师范学院科研骨干长期的紧密合作关系。同时,团队加强与清华大学、郑州大学等国内知名院校专家团队的合作,通过相关科研团队的强强联合,大幅提升南水北调中线工程水源地流域生态安全的创新能力,强化产出一批具有重要国际影响力和国际水平的标志性成果,牢记习近平总书记“守好这一库碧水”殷殷嘱托,为确保“一泓清水永续北上”提供强有力的智力支撑和技术保障。 Overseas Expertise Introduction Center for Discipline Innovation of Watershed Ecological Security in the Water Source Area of the Mid-line Project of South-to-North Water Diversion The “Overseas Expertise Introduction Center for Discipline Innovation of Watershed Ecological Security in the Water Source Area of the Mid-line Project of South-to-North Water Diversion”(D23015) was officially approved by the "Higher Education Discipline Innovation and Introduction Plan" in 2022. This is the first National platform in Nanyang Normal University, and this is another landmark progress in the high-quality construction of school. The Talent Introduction Base is established on the basis of international cooperation platforms including provincial talent introduction bases and international joint laboratory. This base gather domestic and international famous scholars, focus on the key scientific issues in four aspects: water source conservation and water quantity protection in the water source area of the Middle Route of South-to North Water Diversion, water environment governance and ecological restoration in the water source area, technology research and development of digital twin water network in the water source area and ecological database and intelligent control system. The base aim to construct intelligent ecological regulation platform, and ensure the safety of water quantity, water quality, and ecology in the Middle Route of South-to North Water Diversion. This Talent Introduction Base is based on the backbone subject group of "Ecological Security and Water Resource Protection" in Henan Province, closely focusing on the key scientific issues of ecological security in water source area, focusing on introducing high-quality national intellectual resources. It focus on the forefront of international basic research in the field of ecological security in river basins, based on the major needs of national and water source economic construction, and conduct high-level research work. This base can expand advantageous and distinctive disciplinary fields, cultivate new disciplinary growth points, and develop a new backbone subject group of ecological security and water resources with both originality and applicability. This will contribute to improving the comprehensive strength of the subject, accelerate the talent cultivation , emphasize the transformation of achievements, and promote the economic development of the Middle Route water source area. This Talent Introduction Base will further strengthen the long-term close cooperative relationship between Nanyang Normal University and 12 top experts, which from internationally famous universities such as Kiel University (Germany) , University of California Riverside (USA), Kyoto University (Japan), University College London (UK), and University of Parma (Italy). This base will also strengthen the cooperation with expert from Tsinghua University and Zhengzhou University. Through the combination of relevant scientific research teams, the team will greatly improve the innovation ability of ecological security in the water source basin of the Middle Route of South-to North Water Diversion. This base will provide strong intellectual support and technical support to ensure the "One Canal of Clear Water Continuously Delivers to the North" . 河南省南水北调中线水源区水安全保障技术高等学校学科创新引智基地  简  介 “南水北调中线水源区水安全保障技术河南省高等学校学科创新引智基地”(豫科【2019】36号)于2019年正式获批成立。本基地建设基于南阳师范学院和11位外国知名专家多年合作的基础,针对目前丹江口水库水源地生态环境保护中面临的缺乏高水平科研队伍、综合防控理论与技术研究不深入、防控关键技术集成缺失等亟待解决的重大问题,积极探索多视角深层次合作。合作采用引进国外杰出专家指导的方式进行,通过借鉴国外先进理念和技术,在水源区生态安全数据库及决策支持系统建设、水源区水污染排放标准评估与制修订技术方法体系研究、水源区农村点源和农业面源污染综合防控技术与示范,及水源区水安全保障体系建设等领域开展理论研究和技术实践,并为上述问题的解决提供良好的保障条件。本引智基地邀请的外国专家在世界生态学界均享有崇高声誉,在生态环境恢复与治理领域具有丰富的实践经验,作为中央深改委生态与能源方面的专家为国内众多生态环境修复和治理工程提供了技术支持,并取得了良好成效。创新引智基地的建设以及后续中线工程水源区相关工作的开展,将为丹江口水库水源地生态环境保护提供良好的理论和实践基础,为确保“一渠清水永续北送”提供重要的技术支撑。 Introduction to Innovation and Intelligence Base of Water Security Technology for the Water Source Area of the Middle-Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project in Henan Province “Innovation and Intelligence Base of Water Security Technology for the Water Source Area of the Middle-Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project in Henan Province” was officially approved in 2019. Based on the cooperation between the Nanyang Normal University and 11 foreign experts, the Innovation and Intelligence Base is actively engaged in in-depth collaboration for the purpose of solving the major problems such as lack of high-level scientific research team and comprehensive prevention and control theory in the ecological environment protection of Danjiangkou Reservoir water source. In order to fill the above gaps, the innovation and intelligence base are committed to the research of construction of water source area ecological security database and decision support system, water source discharge standard assessment and revision, prevention and control technologies of point and non-point sources and demonstrations in water source areas and water source safety system construction. The foreign experts who cooperated with innovation and intelligence base have a high reputation in the ecology community, and have rich theoretical and practical experience in ecological environment restoration and governance. As the experts of the Central Deep Reform Commission in ecology and energy, they provided technical support for the environmental restoration and treatment project of many domestic ecosystems and achieved good results. Therefore, the construction of the innovation and intelligence base and the development of follow-up work will provide a good theoretical and practical basis for the ecological environment protection of the Danjiangkou Reservoir water source, and provide an important guarantee for ensuring a clear water supply to the north.